Imposter syndrome.

Impostor syndrome is a common feeling that many people experience, particularly when they are venturing into new territory. That nagging feeling of self-doubt that creeps up when you are doing something that is new, unfamiliar or challenging or maybe all three. As a stay-at-home mom, I have experienced this feeling numerous times, especially when it comes to trying something new or going to an event I don’t feel like I belong going to.

There have been times when I have thought to myself, "Maybe I am not good enough to do this." Perhaps just being a stay-at-home mom disqualifies me from taking on a new challenge or pursuing a new business idea. It can be daunting to step out of your comfort zone and try something new, but I have come to realize that it takes courage to do so.

I was listening to a podcast and two women were talking about Confidence.

Confidence is something that we gain after we have achieved something that we have done before. We build confidence by repeating the same task over and over until we have mastered it. However, when it comes to trying something new, we may not have the confidence that comes with experience. Instead, we have to rely on our courage to take that first step and try something new.

When I decided to self publish this book, I was riddled with self-doubt. I felt like an impostor and wondered if I was truly qualified to take on this new challenge. The “Im only a Mom” was loud in my head!

However, I also knew that I had the courage to take that first step and try something new. It was not easy, but I pushed through my self-doubt and took action.

I realized that it is okay to make mistakes and fail. Failure is not a sign of weakness, but a sign that you are trying something new and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. It takes courage to face failure and to keep going despite setbacks. I have come to accept that failure is a natural part of the learning process, and it is through our failures that we can learn, grow, and become better.

If you are feeling like an impostor and doubting your ability to try something new, remember that it takes courage to step out of your comfort zone. You may not have the confidence that comes with experience, but you have the courage to take that first step and try something new. Remember that failure is a natural part of the learning process, and it is through our failures that we can learn, grow, and become better. Don't let impostor syndrome hold you back from pursuing your dreams and taking on new challenges. Have the courage to take that first step, and the rest will follow.




Book Release Anxiety


Mom mode & Self publishing