Book Release Anxiety

As my book gets closer to being completed, I’m starting to have book release anxiety.

Im working with a coach, and she asked me these two questions. “What’s the worst that can happen?” and “What’s the best that can happen?”

My response to those were polar opposite.

The book would fail. I would be considered a failure, and people would think I wasted time and money on it. The flipside answer to that is that it would be successful. I would have to place additional orders for more books and intern it would give me the notoriety I need to write the additional books I have already started.

It's easy to focus on the negative outcomes, but it's just as important to consider the positive possibilities. It's all about perspective. Yes, there is a risk of failure, but there is also a chance for great success. It's important to be comfortable with either option and to remind myself that my worth as a writer is not determined by the success of one book. Ive also has to remind myself that this book is not about me, but rather the story I’ve created. It's natural to be concerned about what people will think, it's important to focus on the story itself and the message behind it. In other words my why behind the book.

What is my why?

It’s to have a book I am proud of, a book that has my children illustrated in it. How fun to be a child and see pictures or characters modeled after you! Our family cabin forever encapsulated in a story and to encourage children and adults to get outside and experience nature.

That no matter the season of life your in (including and anxious one) there’s beauty all around you.




Write the books you want to read.


Imposter syndrome.